I think this quote says everything.
Corbijn: I'm looking for the person behind the surface
Home - 1999
Soul - 1999
Ingrid - 1999
Krisztina - 1999
Corbijn generally likes to picture his subject in their normal and comfortable surroundings, whether it's film stars, musicians or other celebrities. He does the same then with these women brilliantly in this exhibition, showing us a normal side to the person and taking them out of the life that we would usually associate them with.
The exhibition took place in the following venues in 2000:
Theater Instituut, Amsterdam, Holland
S.M.A.K, Ghent, Belgium
Institut Neerlandais, Paris, France
Lipanje Puntin, Artecontemporanea, Trieste, Italy
For more images check out this website: http://www.lipanjepuntin.com/desc.php?id_autore=30